Best Vegan Yogurt


That swirly tang of frozen goodness whispers our name as the warm summer days approach. With 360 locations nationwide, this means you can get your yogurt fix at just about any mall in America. While TCBY isn’t a zen garden of vegan frozen desserts, it does offer vanilla almond, chocolate almond, and seasonal almond nog flavors of vegan yogurt along with fresh berry and fruit toppings. Try these vegan yogurt brands: So Delicious. Greek Yogurt. Good Karma Foods. Dairy-Free Yogurt. Cultured Almondmilk Yogurt. Forager Project. Creamy Dairy-free Cashewgurt. Hain Celestial. Coconut Dream Non-Dairy Yogurt. Dairy-Free Yogurt.


Best Vegan Yogurt Reddit

Best Vegan Yogurt

Anyone else gets that gag reflex when eating dairy yogurt? Do you happily hop past the yogurt section because of that odd aftertaste, almost like mucus? Maybe you purchase it once in a while for the probiotics but you definitely don’t love it. That will all change once you try plant-based yogurt alternatives!