First Week Album Sales

First Week Album Sales
  1. First Week Album Sales 2018

Who else kinda upset our boy only sold 17k (4k pure). I really thought this was the album that did it for him, I guess I overestimated his reach. Do you guys really think the 3 separate release dates for each act tanked his sales? I cannot say for certain, but I do hope he comes back stronger than ever with a incredibly diverse and stellar feature list. I think high profile features is what he needs in order to boost his name.

First Week Album Sales 2018

SalesFirst Week Album Sales

I'm happy for him and I can't wait to see any upcoming songs hes featured on, his ep with IDK, and his next solo album. ULT • • • • •. The 3 day release hurt his album sales substantially but artistically it was definitely the right move. Hasbi rabbi jallallah in urdu written