'Inazuma Eleven Online is an online soccer battle game that marks the first incarnation of the popular Inazuma Eleven franchise on PC. The game will offer action-packed, energetic battles featuring controls that require only a mouse to use. Inazuma Eleven 2: Blizzard (イナズマイレブン2 脅威の侵略者, Inazuma Eleven 2:), known simply as Inazuma Eleven 2: Firestorm and Blizzard in the European versions, is the second installment of the Inazuma Eleven games for the Nintendo DS. There are two versions of the game, Fire (ファイア) and Blizzard (ブリザード).
Is an Action, Role-playing, Sports, Single and Multiplayer video game developed and published by Level-5. The game takes place in the Inazuma Town where the player can control Mark Evans, a very talented goalkeeper. The main part of the game resembles the typical role-playing in which the player can explore the whole town to get is next objectives. It also allows the player to take part in the random encounters, find training points to improve his skills, look for chests and locate new team members.
There are 1000 playable characters, and each character of the game has different abilities state and design. After collecting his team, it allows the player to get into the ground to prove himself as the best football player in the world.
The game offers modes including a multiplayer mode in which the player can be played against each other and test his skills. Inazuma Eleven includes core features such as different locations, collect items, customization option, upgrades and unlockable achievements, etc.