Metodologi Penelitian Jurnal

Abstract: Implementing Project-Based Instruction to Improve Students' Learning Outcomes in Research Methodology Course. This classroom action research focused on improving the achievement of students' learning outcomes in Research Methodology Course offered at Biology Department State University of Malang. The learning outcomes include understanding of basic research concepts, competence in developing a research proposal, and competence in conducting and communicating a research project.

MetodeMetodologi Penelitian Jurnal

Metodologi Penelitian Jurnal

Metodologi penelitian jurnal

Contoh Metodologi Penelitian

This classroom action research indicates that after two cycles, the students' scores in understanding basic research concepts were still below the minimum passing score of 75, whereas their scores in developing a research proposal and in conducting and communicating a research project were beyond the minimum passing score. However, their scores in understanding basic research concepts as indicated by experimentalpractices were higher than the minimum requirement.