Schedule I And Ii Narcotic Drugs

  1. Medical Marijuana Schedule I And Ii
Virginia schedule i and ii drugs

Medical Marijuana Schedule I And Ii

Yes, marijuana is still on the Drug Enforcement Administration's list of scheduled drugs. Right at the very top, in fact. With so many states weed for medicinal and recreational purposes in the past few years, you might think that federal law would start to catch up. Pes games 2010. Yet cannabis hasn't budged from, the DEA's most serious category of illegal substances. That puts it alongside heroin, ecstasy, LSD, peyote, and Quaaludes as a drug 'with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse.' , which are considered less dangerous in this tightly controlled hierarchy, include cocaine, meth and oxycodone. Since 1972, two years after President Richard Nixon signed the Controlled Substances Act and established these federal designations, the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) and others have the government to reclassify marijuana 'as a Schedule II drug so that physicians could legally prescribe it.'